canine brains too: Testimonials
Would you like to talk to someone who has worked with us? Previous clients are happy to talk with you! Start with the YELLOW text below to quickly browse recovery stories. Please tell us your story and we'll set you up with a past client who was in a similar situation.
"She can almost immediately assess, discern, and pinpoint any animal's "monsters in the closet."
Casey's uncanny, primal knowledge of animals' psyches changed the dog that wouldn't change."
-Lisa Carey, Dog Rescuer, Middleborough MA

Dangerous to our baby?
New York City, NY
"We first contacted Casey when I was pregnant. Chunk, our border-collie mix who up until this point had been an only child, had a very worrisome track record with children (and some adults) and we were afraid we wouldn't be able to keep him once the baby arrived.
Casey was realistic with us from the start. Unlike other trainers we had spoken with, Casey really worked to understand our dog before beginning our session. After detailed questioning and careful observation, she explained what our dog was experiencing, and helped us understand where Chunk was coming from. Most impressive was that after some initial work, Casey decided that her original plan needed to be adjusted. Where other trainers only saw Chunk as a "typical border-collie," Casey saw Chunk as an individual.
It wasn't magic. We all - my husband, Chunk, and I - had to work long and hard, Casey was with us every step of the way. Her endurance and focus were superhuman! By the end of our weekend session, Chunk had made drastic improvements. The night after our session was the first night Chunk slept through the night without howling at the sound of a door slamming or a gate creaking. As Casey said, he became a much more emotionally strong dog. Furthermore, we felt much more confident in handling and diffusing Chunk's ongoing anxieties.
It is amazing watching Chunk with our now 6-month-old son, Eric. Chunk is his protector. He sees Eric as one of the pack and not as an intruder (or a meal.) We are so grateful to Casey for giving us the tools to help our furry first love be a content and safe member of our family. We highly recommend Casey to anyone dealing with their animal's behavioral problems. "
-Kate Grossman, New York City NY
Fear of the outdoors.
Newton, MA
Casey's ability to swiftly and correctly identify the source of our problem. Our "obstinant" dog's problem was that she was actually agoraphobic, she was afraid of the outside, specifically, the stone patio.
This information made it possible for her to provide us with a gentle program that yielded virtually instant results. Our relationship with the dog has improved enormously, and in general the dog seems happier and less stressed. Now, if I could get Casey to work her magic on some of my human family members!
-Meri Grumbacher, Newton MA
Nails on a Chalkboard. Framingham, MA
We were lucky enough to be able to add an addition, a new deck, and, lo and behold, a new full-length glass door with brass fixtures that let in the glorious sun. Cobie, our beloved mutt, resumed his old "scratching at the door" habit that we didn't care about before. Clawing at this new beautiful and expensive glass door suddenly those scraping claws sounded exactly like fingernails on the chalkboard.
But within a few hours on two separate days close together, Casey taught Cobie to ring an elecronic doggie door bell and taught us to open the door when he did. Now I can report, months later, that Cobie no longer jumps on the door but approaches and deliberately steps on the paw pad that sets off the chime and we come running with praise. Casey's patience, thoughtfulness, and command of animal behavior is extraordinary and a marvel to watch. She quickly had our dog focused on the desired behavior and then actually appearing to enjoy it. Both the process of change and the wonderful outcomes are marvelous.
-David Whittier, Framingham MA
Damaged P.R. Dog.
Old Lyme, CT
"I have been rehabbing wildlife for 40 years and fostering many dogs for over a decade. As Abner is the third dog that was never adoptable, that puts me at 4 dogs. Abner, a Sato from the streets of Puerto Rico, was one of the most damaged dogs I have ever worked with. No one could touch him, including me. Casey said Abner was the most OSCAR-damaged dog case she has seen to date.
Every 3:00 pm he would bolt from the house and refuse to come in until about 9:00 pm, if he came in at all. The worse the weather, the MORE he demanded to stay out ALONE overnight. In rain, snow, and zero degrees, short-haired Abner was out, trembling and shivering. After two years of TLC, training classes and advice from experts, I was still so worried about him that when my vet mentioned Casey I figured I had nothing to lose.
The first time Casey worked with Abner I was stunned by what Abner BELIEVED he could not do. Even though he was not at all injured, he would NOT turn to the right!!!) Casey explained that his spatial brain was “dented” and that she knew how to un-dent it. 20+ session hours over 7 months, and I have a different dog!
Abner is more confident, happier, he turns both ways, he comes in when called for dinner. He comes in out of the rain! Some family can even pet him now. Old habits change slow, but he is trying out new courage and changing old ways. He now comes in at dusk along with the other dogs and is happy in the house in the evening (as opposed to being a nervous wreck indoors).
Casey’s work is unbelievable, unique and invaluable. I highly recommend her if you have problems with your dog."
-Susanne Colten-Carey,
Old Lyme CT
Hospital Visitor Dogs.
Boston, MA
"I almost don't know where to begin to thank you for the time and energy you donated to our group of Caring Canines visiting therapy dog volunteers. There was not a dull moment and your material was presented in palatable and highly comprehensible manner. Your great sense of humor and quick delivery only enhanced the presentation.
I've attended dozens of meetings and been to countless classes over the years that deal with behavior modification, operant conditioning, lesson plans, task analyses, psychopharmacological involvement, learning patterns, mental retardation, etc. Your material contains a fresh new outlook and your delivery keeps your audience engaged and enticed.
Even the most experienced behaviorist would find your material empowering. It's like a breath of fresh air. It was an evening full of excellent information and alot of laughter. On behalf of the Caring Canines contingent...Thank you!"
-Dorsey Arnold, Director,
Caring Canines, Boston MA
Can't Ride in Cars.
Lyme, CT
"Haddy" is the doggie mascot of our racecar team, which is ironic considering she wouldn't even get near a car! If she had to go to the vet or anyplace we'd pick her up and put her in and she'd heave and vomit a few times on the ride. Even with car sickness drugs and even on short trips, she'd still foam at the mouth and she just looked awfully unhappy. Around a car, Haddy would seem to stop breathing, like she had gone to planet Neptune in her mind, she'd shake or even nip at us. We didn't know how to help her.
Haddy's car phobia took only 5 sessions to reverse with Casey. Now Haddy jumps in the car by herself, looks out the windows, and stands up on the console. She has gone on long trips and short trips, all with no drugs, and she has not been sick once, because her physical motion sickness was actually caused by her mind's anxiety. Even if she eats a meal just before a trip, she's fine. Now she can go to the beach with her family! And as a member of the pit crew, Haddy doesn't have to drive 200 mph in her team cars, but if she had to, I bet she'd be fine with it. "
-Linda Marsh, Old Lyme CT
Dog Afraid of Men. Niantic, CT
We got Skippy when he was three years old from the foster rescuer, and we were told he was shy and didn’t care for men. He immediately completely bonded with me, but he was fearful of my husband Andy. "When Andy comes into the room we’re in, Skippy barks and growls and has snapped at Andy. Skippy won’t play, come in or even go outside to his yard if I’m not there. Skippy is also fearful of parked cars, large trash cans, even large mailboxes." There was only one more week left to decide whether we were going to give him back to the rescue when someone told us about Casey. Even just hearing my story on the phone, she sounded sure that all of this could be fixed quickly with her special "spatial" therapy.
Over two weeks in June, Casey sat on the floor with Skippy for 5 sessions, and I watched every one start to finish. You could really see that Skip was really hesitant to solve puzzles with the left side of his body. It's like he just didn't know it was there ! Casey said that we may see some odd things for a bit as the dog's brain was re-integrating with his left side. I sent this in an email on June 28: "when returning onto the lower porch, he completely stumbled and slammed into the steps! He wasn’t hurt, but it seemed very unusual since he is always so agile!"
Once Skip was aware of his left side, Casey did just two sessions teaching Andy how to take over the OSCAR conversation of playing fun "spatial language games" with Skippy and bits of chicken; that way, as Casey said, "we set the ball rolling in a direction so that the dog associates Andy with all of his newly found balance and body capabilities; two birds with one stone, and no $$."
Can you believe that we’ve had him almost a year! He has gotten better and better with Andy, and will even occasionally choose Andy over me for attention. Now our problem is, when we come home from the park, Skippy won't get out of the car because he wants to go back out into the big wide world! More parks, more fun!
-Cheryl Six, Niantic CT