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Will Skills for Business Teams

Will-Skill Workshop Agenda:

Out-of-Chair (no lectures) Workshops

Max 25 participants.


Workshops are tailored to the culture and needs of your industry.

First, learn skills in Will-Skill dynamic.

Then, use new found skills to untangle convoluted workplace problems.

Step  1: The WR Physical Challenge
Step 2: Identify Target Tools
Step 3: Learn & Practice Physical Solution
Step 4: Translate Physical PROBLEM to Work Problem

(3 examples)
Step 5: Translate Physical SOLUTION to Work Solution

(3 examples)
Step 6: Rapid Fire Solutions


  • Diagnostic Tools

  • Will-Imprinter Physical Challenge Tests

  • Will-Wheel Competency Charts

  • Willproof Truth 360 Revealers

  • Will-Skill Team Dynamics Forecaster

  • Treatment and Accountability Tools

  • Will-Skill Playbook Diagrams

  • Will-Builder Personal Application Plans

  • Will-Builder Incident Command Reports

  • Will-Builder Performance Reviews

  • Process Evaluation Tools

  • Will-Skill Process Evaluation: Participants to CEO and HR

  • WR Feedback Survey



Gift Package

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WillingResults Gift Certificates are available




Can Will-Skill can be used on the job... ?


Yes, it can.


Reduce friction between individuals & between groups.


Decreasing employee liability saves time and money.




"...true leadership in a bottle..."



  • "But you'd have to be in MY industry to understand..."

  • If your species makes no difference to Will-Skill, then your industry type is also irrelevant.

  • If your employees have to make choices, then Will-Skill applies to your industry.

  • The skills you learn from WR speak only to HOW people make choices on the job.



  • Demo Lecture: "The People at Work are ANIMALS !"

  • 90 minute interactive program. Max 25 participants.

  • Introduces Will-Skill theory and applications on the job.

  • Overview of the continuum from training to teaching, from force to invitation.

  • Introduces top tier topics: teaching, presence, and disengage effects in the workplace.



  • Will-Skill Instruction for Managers: Private Sessions

  • Decrease employee liability

  • Decrease project risk

  • From managers to employees, from engineers to executives, our partnerships with "the different" individuals offer us every opportunity to improve.

  • Executives learn techniques that perpetuate respect and motivation while project managers learn to integrate leadership traits with their technical skill to support business goals.

  • Personal relationships are not addressed.

  • Case work is CONFIDENTIAL.


  • Project Road-Block Consultation

  • Why is your project imploding? Projects involving high levels of mental demand meet with technical challenges along the way.

  • Technical road blocks then cause unexpected changes in motivations, abilities, and intentions which always confound or stall forward progress.

  • Causes and solutions for these points are unclear.

  • WR applies Will Skill theory to DIAGNOSE likely problem sources and provide applicable solutions.


  • Will-Skill at Work: Full-Day Out-of-Chair Seminar for Teams

  • A four part series of results-packed, out-of-chair workshops include presentation, demonstration, and participation learning. Max 25 in each part.

  • Take a ride through hilarious nonverbal cause-effect games.

  • Found solutions are then re-translated back to specific team needs.

  • Sidestep conflict and friction in critical relationships. Diagnose, target, and immediately improve employee decision making skills.

  • Supercharge productivity now.


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