Will Skills for Business Teams

Will-Skill Workshop Agenda:
Out-of-Chair (no lectures) Workshops
Max 25 participants.
Workshops are tailored to the culture and needs of your industry.
First, learn skills in Will-Skill dynamic.
Then, use new found skills to untangle convoluted workplace problems.
Step 1: The WR Physical Challenge
Step 2: Identify Target Tools
Step 3: Learn & Practice Physical Solution
Step 4: Translate Physical PROBLEM to Work Problem
(3 examples)
Step 5: Translate Physical SOLUTION to Work Solution
(3 examples)
Step 6: Rapid Fire Solutions
Diagnostic Tools
Will-Imprinter Physical Challenge Tests
Will-Wheel Competency Charts
Willproof Truth 360 Revealers
Will-Skill Team Dynamics Forecaster
Treatment and Accountability Tools
Will-Skill Playbook Diagrams
Will-Builder Personal Application Plans
Will-Builder Incident Command Reports
Will-Builder Performance Reviews
Process Evaluation Tools
Will-Skill Process Evaluation: Participants to CEO and HR
WR Feedback Survey
Gift Package
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WillingResults Gift Certificates are available
Can Will-Skill can be used on the job... ?
Yes, it can.
Reduce friction between individuals & between groups.
Decreasing employee liability saves time and money.
"...true leadership in a bottle..."
"But you'd have to be in MY industry to understand..."
If your species makes no difference to Will-Skill, then your industry type is also irrelevant.
If your employees have to make choices, then Will-Skill applies to your industry.
The skills you learn from WR speak only to HOW people make choices on the job.
Demo Lecture: "The People at Work are ANIMALS !"
90 minute interactive program. Max 25 participants.
Introduces Will-Skill theory and applications on the job.
Overview of the continuum from training to teaching, from force to invitation.
Introduces top tier topics: teaching, presence, and disengage effects in the workplace.
Will-Skill Instruction for Managers: Private Sessions
Decrease employee liability
Decrease project risk
From managers to employees, from engineers to executives, our partnerships with "the different" individuals offer us every opportunity to improve.
Executives learn techniques that perpetuate respect and motivation while project managers learn to integrate leadership traits with their technical skill to support business goals.
Personal relationships are not addressed.
Case work is CONFIDENTIAL.
Project Road-Block Consultation
Why is your project imploding? Projects involving high levels of mental demand meet with technical challenges along the way.
Technical road blocks then cause unexpected changes in motivations, abilities, and intentions which always confound or stall forward progress.
Causes and solutions for these points are unclear.
WR applies Will Skill theory to DIAGNOSE likely problem sources and provide applicable solutions.
Will-Skill at Work: Full-Day Out-of-Chair Seminar for Teams
A four part series of results-packed, out-of-chair workshops include presentation, demonstration, and participation learning. Max 25 in each part.
Take a ride through hilarious nonverbal cause-effect games.
Found solutions are then re-translated back to specific team needs.
Sidestep conflict and friction in critical relationships. Diagnose, target, and immediately improve employee decision making skills.
Supercharge productivity now.